May 8, 2009

Drew Peterson arrested on murder charges

Per the Chicago Tribune, Ex-cop Drew Peterson was arrested near his suburban Chicago home on Thursday and is being held for $20 million bail. The arrest came soon after his indictment of the murder of his third wife Kathleen Savio, who was allegedly drowned in her bathtub in 2004.

Peterson's case has stirred the media since 2007, when his fourth wife Stacy Peterson went missing. Savio's death was initially passed off as an accident, but after Stacy's disappearance it was re-examined and determined to be a murder. Stacy still remains to be found.

The article describes reactions from the Savio family and Stacy's relatives, but twitterers post their reactions, nearly all assuming Peterson is guilty.

  1. Dan Bimrose
    danbimrose Drew Peterson finally indicted on something. It's about friggin time. What a slime ball.
  2. Adam Avey
    adam51586 Drew Peterson Now that your in Jail Will you tell us Where The Hell Stacy is and "No Comment" is off the Table "TELL US!" Freaky Troll!
  3. Leah
    Curbieque I seem to be suffering from insomnia this morning. Very ususual for me. Drew Peterson was finally arrested. It's about time!
  4. Holly Mintz
    hollymintz I wonder if Drew Peterson is sleeping well in his jail cell tonight hahaha.
  5. Kevin Johnson
    KJmyman burn in hell drew peterson
  6. Ana Fernatt
    AnaLovesMusic Drew Peterson ruined my morning show window storming........just one more thing he killed.
  7. Luis
    lasl321 How many women does Drew Peterson have to kill before he gets the chair? Damn.

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